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(Obesity Risk) 

qPCR SNP Detection Kit

OBRI (Obesity Risk) qPCR SNP Detection Kit


The FTO gene is responsible for the carbohydrate-lipid balance in the human body and for increased fat storage and weight gain. Obesity causes diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases or cancer.




Obesity Risk




rs1421085, rs9939609


2 × Nuclease-Free Water
2 × 2xSNP MasterMix
2 × Oligos Set
2 × Positive Control Set


100 rxns


-25°C to -15°C


More Information

Did you know...?

Obesity is one of the greatest health threats facing the modern world. It is most common in developed countries. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that over 2 billion adults worldwide are obese (data from 2014). Although obesity is not a fatal disease, it leads to very serious health complications such as type II diabetes, hypertension, hormonal disorders, cholesterol and triglyceride disorders and cancer, which often result in premature death. It is very important to take preventive measures early in people predisposed to obesity.

What is the obesity gene?

The FTO gene is referred to as the obesity gene. Mutation in FTO gene affects BMI by changing eating behavior – increased consumption of high-energy foods (fats and proteins), increased appetite and decreased feeling of satiety, loss of control over eating. It is also related to the components of the metabolic syndrome – sensitivity to insulin, glucose, triglycerides and cholesterol. People with an unfavorable gene variant are more likely to gain weight due to low physical activity and nutritional errors.

How the test is performed?

The FTO gene is a DNA fragment that contains instructions for building a protein that is involved in the regulation of carbohydrate-lipid balance and is associated with the risk of obesity. The offered research concerns two specific positions in the gene, in which changes (polymorphism) may occur. The real-time PCR method is used to analyze the polymorphism of the FTO gene.

How will the client benefit?

Based on the matrix in the IFU product, the laboratory is able to precisely determine the genetic variant of the client. In addition to the genotype determining the risk of developing the disease, the report includes interpretation and recommendations indicating the client’s further diagnostic path. Both of the two tested polymorphisms of the FTO gene have an identical thermal cycling profiles, which allows for simultaneous analysis using one device, which significantly shortens the time to obtain the result.

Why is it worth doing a genetic test?

Physical activity, maintaining a healthy body weight and a balanced diet play an important role in the lives of many people. The increasing awareness of the health consequences of obesity encourages people to check their individual genetic predisposition. Therefore, it is worth expanding your offer with FTO gene testing. High quality of services allows you to gain the client’s trust and encourage them to take advantage of other tests offered.

What can be done after the test result?

In the case of an unfavorable variant of the gene, it is important to follow the recommendations and consult a doctor. It should be remembered that a normal genotype does not exclude the disease. The great potential of genetic testing makes it possible to predict many diseases and gives a chance to take action to improve health.