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(Treponema pallidum

qPCR Detection Kit

PATRE (Treponema pallidum) qPCR Detection Kit


Treponema pallidum belongs to the family Spirochaetaceae. The only host of this bacterium is humans. It is the cause of a sexually transmitted disease – syphilis. Treponema pallidum carries over from the pregnant woman to the fetus. Such a child can be born with serious defects in the nervous system and organs. Double PCR test designed for in vitro identification of the syphilis-causing pale Treponema pallidum spirochete. The test detects two genes of Treponema pallidum by nested PCR.




Treponema pallidum


1 × Nuclease-Free Water
1 × 2xMasterMix qPCR Probe
1 × Oligos Set
1 × Positive Control


100 rxns


-25°C to -15°C


More Information

Did you know...?

Syphilis is an infectious disease transmitted most often during sexual contact, caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum (TP) belonging to the family Spirochaetaceae. The only host of this bacterium is humans. The incubation period of the disease is 9–90 days. Today, 10,000 infected people are detected every year. In the last 5 years, the number of infections has increased by 550%.

Why the knowledge about Syphilis is important?

Syphilis is characterized by a multi-year course with successive symptomatic and asymptomatic periods. It can be latent, self-heal or induce serious organ changes. The infectivity of Treponema pallidum is closely related to the period of the disease, it is greatest in the first two years. This is due to the presence of skin lesions in patients, accompanied by discharge with a significant amount of bacteria.

How the test is performed?

Double PCR test for the syphilis-causing pale Treponema pallidum spirochete. The test comprises the detection of two genes of Treponema pallidum by nested PCR. It is the most accurate and specific genetic test that confirms the presence of syphilis spirochete DNA in the tested biological material. It is most often performed to confirm or rule out the results of traditional screening tests. Genetic material analysis using our reagents is fast and accurate. Following the IFU included in the kit, the technician can easily interpret the results. Ready-to-use reagents are included in the kit. It is enough for the lab technician to add each of them in the right proportion and the reaction is ready. Quickly, easily and professionally.

Why is it worth doing a genetic test?

Quick diagnosis will enable the implementation of treatment. Only by means of a genetic test are we able to detect the presence of the pathogen with 100% accuracy.

What can be done after the test result?

Treatment for both men and women is similar. Appropriate antibiotics prescribed by a doctor are used. The partner must also undergo treatment in order to prevent reinfection and the spread of the disease. After using the drugs, it is best to make a follow-up visit, you can also return the sample for testing. Once treated, however, the infection has a tendency to recur.